• Wexford Town, Co. Wexford
  • Call: +353 (0)53 9196000

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Please note: By attending this event, photos and digitals will be taken during the event and may be used for marketing and promotional purposes. Photographs/digital footage taken at the event will be shared with Wexford County Council, Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland to promote Wexford and / or Ireland as a tourist destination. The photographs/digital footage may be included in marketing communication channels such as, social media, print material, tourism ezines, advertisements and websites. If you have any queries about data protection, please contact dataprotection@failteireland.ie

If you wish to get in touch with or Fleadh office please use the details below.

Details of the Fleadh Executive Committee are below


Phone +353 (053) 9196000


Wexford County Council , Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93

Wexford Fleadh Executive Committee 2024

Name Position Contact
Paddy Berry President Craobh Comhaltas Local Garman
Eddie Taaffe Chairperson 2024chairperson@fleadhcheoil.ie
Barbara Walsh Vice Chairperson 2024vicechairperson@fleadhcheoil.ie
Paudie Berry Treasurer 2024finance@fleadhcheoil.ie
Cllr George Lawlor PRO  – Marketing / Communications george.lawlor@wexfordmcc.ie
Cllr Maura Bell Accommodation / Camping accommodation@fleadhcheoil.ie
Cllr Ger Carthy Volunteer Emergency Services 2024medplan@fleadhcheoil.ie
Brian Byrne Venues 2024venues@fleadhcheoil.ie
Senan Lillis Gig rig 2024gigrig@fleadhcheoil.ie
Madeleine Quirke Sponsorship 2024sponsorship@fleadhcheoil.ie
Fiona Bennett Secretary to FEC info@fleadhcheoil.ie
Daren O’Ceallaigh Seachtain na Gaelige 2024snag@fleadhcheoil.ie
Sinead Tobin Seachtain na hEigse 2024seachtainnaheigse@fleadhcheoil.ie
Jennifer Byrne Competitions / Sessions 2024competitions@fleadhcheoil.ie
Eimear Kennedy Volunteers volunteers@fleadhcheoil.ie
Aidan Rochford Wexford County Council Co-ordinator Aidan.rochford@wexfordcoco.ie