Child Protection – General Statement
The health, safety and well-being of all our children and vulnerable adults are of paramount importance to all staff, members and volunteers who are a part of Comhaltas. Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. They have a right to be safe as participants in all our activities.
In our activities we value our children, young people and vulnerable adults. A culture of mutual respect between children/young people/vulnerable adults and those who represent the organisation in all its activities will be encouraged with adults modeling good practice in this context.
Comhaltas recognises that good child protection policies and procedures are of benefit to everyone involved with our work, including staff, branch officers, members and volunteers, as these policies can help protect them from erroneous or malicious allegations.
The Comhaltas Child Protection Policy document applies to all Comhaltas activities in the Republic of Ireland. It has been designed to work within current guidelines to meet the legislative requirements. We will endeavour to ensure that our policy documents are updated appropriately to reflect future changes in the law.
A copy of the Child Protection Policy, prepared by Comhaltas for all units, is available to download from the Comhaltas web site. A printed copy may be ordered from Head Office, at a cost of €5.00 to cover print and postage.